Saturday, July 5, 2008


Duane & I are loving our first full weekend here in town and with no plans. It's SOO nice! We decided to head to Solvang for the day. We bought some treats at Mortensen's bakery and I went to save a table outside. When Duane came out with the box of treats, he had me open the box and I saw 2 tickets lying there. Confused, I pulled them out thinking they were coupons or something. They were 2 tickets to see James Taylor at the Santa Barbara bowl in August!!!! I was thrilled! background is that I tried to buy them in March (I love James Taylor) but they were already sold out. I've mentioned a few times how bummed I am that we didn't get tickets. Well, Duane has been looking on Craig'slist, found some, & coordinated for us to pick them up TODAY on our way to Solvang. He told me he needed to run into OSH hardware store to grab something and I just stayed in the car talking to my mom. He actually had coordinated to meet the guy there to get the tickets and I had NO idea. I'm excited about the concert, but more touched by his surprise planning!

1 comment:

Peggy Stall Glascoff said...

Dear Duane,

Forgive your new untechie friend who is SO touched by reading of your romantic grand gestures to Audrey and hers to you. True love is divine!

I loved that you and Audrey bought each other the same wedding gift. AS A FELLOW James Taylor "groupie,
your surprise gift to Audrey shows such love and joy and fun - the kind that was evident all weekend long at your wdding.

Let the joy and blessings and magic continue and never end!

Love to you both,
